Concealed-Carry Handgun Permit Qualification

The Instructors

Who Teaches ShootBane Concealed-Carry Classes?

The 4-6 usual instructors, the number varies, involved are retired or deep into other careers who find satisfaction in teaching home / workplace safety, shooting for recreation or competition, firearms safety, personal defense, and supporting the second amendment. They consist of former career army officers, former infantry soldiers and marines, former uniformed law enforcement officers, and a navy veteran. They have a mix of the following qualifications and backgrounds:
  • Former Career US Army Special Forces and US Army Ranger Officer with Combat Tours in Both Units
  • NRA Range Safety Officers and Chief Range Safety Officers
  • Former Reserve (Mobile and Marine) Patrol Deputy Sheriff
  • Former Oregon Municipal And Juvenile Judge
  • Member: American Society For Law Enforcement Trainers
  • Glock Firearms Instructors With Workshop Certifications
  • NRA Law Enforcement Firearms (Rifle, Shotgun, and Handgun) Instructors
  • Certified Utah Concealed Firearms Instructor
  • Holder of a Federal Firearms License
  • NRA Rifle, Pistol, and Shotgun Instructors
  • Members: U.S. Concealed-Carry Association
  • Owner of a Stocking Gun Shop
  • NRA Firearms In The Home Safety Instructors
  • Former members off the Lane and Benton County (OR) Sheriffs' Offices
  • Certified Glock Armorers
  • Certified NRA Refuse To Be A Victim instructors
  • Former US Army Range-Masters
  • NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor
  • Former US Army Range Safety Officer
  • Former US Army Boot Camp Commanding Officers
NRA Cert
UT Cert
Refuse Cert

The above instructors – five guys and one girl – have great interest in promoting a safe, skilled, and law-savvy concealed-carry, self-defense, and personal-safety public. Their goal is to instill in-the-home and workplace safety procedures and awareness and firearms safety and competency at a professional / military level. They do so while debunking the seemingly endless myths and old-wives-tales that have always surrounded defensive firearms and sporting firearms and their capabilities and acts of self-defense concerning one's self or a third party. This includes identifying the folklore that always surrounds, then correctly teaching, the huge number of laws that strictly govern individual and third party defense, and what can and can not be done to defend and protect real and personal property.

Their mission in the classroom and at the practice facility is to arrange for each student to shoot, and or have demonstrated, a very substantial assortment of personal protection rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and semi-automatic pistols (see these links on the Class Content Page), before they purchase a firearm.

Lastly, they strive to present detailed education to those who choose to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment -- and they seek to do all of the aforementioned at the lowest of all possible financial outlays for the student.

The instructors and their spouses (some of them are also former military and law enforcement professionals and current NRA multifaceted instructors) donate their time, their effort, their knowledge, the nine-lane practice facility, their firearms and the shooting accessories. Example: This website was built and donated by one of the instructors.

The donation asked of the students is used to keep the practice facility, the range accessories, and the instructional firearms in safe and proper functioning condition. It also assists in the replacement or upgrade and repair of worn firearms, to purchase the extensive restocking of supplies for the next class, and to maintain the upkeep of the shooting site; keeping it insurance-updated, haz-mat certified, mowed/cleaned, porta-potty serviced, etc.

The donation also partially offsets another reality that's understandable to anyone who is connected to shooting and is therefore familiar with the increasingly outrageous cost of ammo, guns (some 34 firearms, inclusive of the backups, are used in the course and pictured on this website), and professional association memberships. This is all without dealing with the above mentioned practice facility maintenance costs, the myriad of required shooting and safety supplies for each class, a never ending list of instructors' recertification's, etc.